Mercenary (General)

Prerequisite: Soldier background

Benefit: You are a commanding member of a mercenary company, your rank dependent on how many times you have taken this feat. Each successive level raises you in rank (see the chart below). Gaining this feat without first taking the Soldier background requires the Games Master's permission and a good roleplaying reason (such as a promotion to command through merit).

In addition to plunder, mercenaries also gain a stipend every month, a result of shaking down the local populace for "protection." The amount of the stipend is also dependent on rank. In areas where money is scarce, the stipend takes the form of tradable goods or services.

Your rank also gives you command of a number of soldiers. Half of the soldiers under you command have levels in the rogue class, while the others have levels in fighter. Normal have 1-2 HD, while veteran soldiers have 3 HD. As you rise in rank, you may choose to keep the previous soldiers under your command or replace them.

Rules for running and maintaining a mercenary group can be found in the Mercenary Companies rules. If at any time your command shrinks (due to losses or desertions), your feat is refunded and may be used to purchase another feat you qualify for. Alternatively, you may hold that feat in reserve in case your company recruits new soldiers.

Number of Mercenary feats Rank Command Stipend
1st feat Corporal 1 squad (2d4 normal soldiers) 2d4sp
2nd feat Sergeant Platoon (2d4 normal squads) 3d6sp
3th feat Commission Company (2d4 Platoons) 4d10sp
4th feat Captain Battalion (2d4 Companies) 5d12sp
5th feat First Captain Regiment (2d4 Battalions) 6d20sp
6th feat Commander Brigade (2d4 Regiments) 7d20sp
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